Confession Time: I am a Fashion Enthusiast!


My shoppee daily discover

That’s it. That’s the evidence. I am a fashion enthusiast.

A lot of people tell me “Queenie, you have way too many clothes.” But I always shrug and think that I always don’t have enough clothes, people are subjective anyway. I find myself almost everyday thinking “Gosh. I don’t have enough clothes.”

But when I learned about machine learning, the reality struck hard. I do spend a lot of time looking for clothes to buy. I am too enthusiastic with clothes.

My shoppee daily discover almost always recommends clothes for me which often leads me to making an impulse purchase, and as you can see on the screenshot, I am also looking for a clothes storage as well. Why? Because I simply have too much clothes :(

Personally, I don’t like seeing recommendations like this because I kept on spending on clothes when I clearly have way too many of them. But that’s just how shoppee works and it is their strategy to acquire more transactions. I might just as well uninstall it.



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