The AI takeover

Queenie Pamatian
2 min readOct 28, 2020


just for Lols

Artificial Intelligence is the future. It’s a bit terrifying and amusing at the same time.

I was able to saw a documentary called “AlphaGo” and it is really mind-boggling for me. AlphaGo by Google is basically a computer program that plays the board game “Go” against human .

Fan Hui, a 2 dan European Go champion was sent to compete against Alpha Go and the latter was able to win all of the 5 matches. I am really perplexed by how powerful the AlphaGo is.

Later on AlphaGo competed with Lee Sedol (ranked 9-dan), one of the best players of Go. Lee Sedol was confident that the AlphaGo will not beat him because he observed the matches of Fan Hui and the AI, and he thought that the AlphaGo was not quite as the same level as him yet. Shockingly, even the world’s best Go player was defeated in 4 out of 5 games played. (Still Kudos to Lee Sedol for being the only human to beat AlphaGo out of all of the official matches conducted.

It’s really flabbergasting how a human trained artificial intelligence beat the very same humans that created it. It is good to think about, and the applications of AI is beyond our imagination, but it is also scary to think that an Artificial Intelligence was able to beat human intuition so easily.

AI is a great step towards progress but we have to be more mindful so that no problems arises from it.

In China, they are very serious in making themselves the country leading in terms of AI advancement. They have the data and the man power. If they were able to succeed with their mission, it would definitely make major changes in the sociopolitical and economical landscape of the world.



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